How it Works

Signup Free

Create your personal CausePilot user account and your fundraising account to get started.

Connect to Stripe

Create a Stripe account or connect to an existing one to begin accepting online payments.

Learn to Fly

Visit the Help Center to watch our Flight Training videos and quickly learn to navigate the software.

Build your Fundraiser

Choose from a variety of fundraising activities and options to build a unique and creative fundraiser.

Invite Donors

Invite your community of supporters via email and social media to participate in your fundraiser.

Watch it Soar

View reporting of activity in real time as payments are received directly into your Stripe account.

At CausePilot we call a fundraising campaign a “flight”.

It’s just more fun!

It's Easy to Learn and Navigate

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Watch our video to learn more.

See for yourself how CausePilot can help you fundraise.