The 15 Minute Fix: This simple website checklist can help you increase donations

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The 15 Minute Fix: This simple website checklist can help you increase donations

There’s no denying nonprofit development teams have to wear lots of hats. And if that sounds like you, it may also mean you’re so close to your everyday to-do list, it’s hard to step back and look at how a fundraising tool like your website can affect your success.

Do your donors understand your mission? Have you shared exactly how they can get involved? Are you sure every campaign gives you a return on your investment of time and money? 

Create New Growth For Your Nonprofit

Your website is your number-one fundraising tool. And if you want to stop missing new revenue opportunities and start creating new growth for your nonprofit, do this.

  1. Set aside 15 minutes on your calendar. (Go ahead and do that now. Don’t wait.)
  2. Evaluate your website using the checklist below. 
  3. Make a meaningful connection with donors.

Answer yes or no to the questions below.

  1. Does your home page communicate, in five seconds or less, exactly what you do?
  2. Is your home page clean and easy to skim?
  3. Do your photos communicate how people feel when they support your organization? 
  4. Is there a clear call to action? You shouldn’t feel shy about asking people to donate now. Be specific. 
  5. Have you clearly communicated the value of your mission? What difference does your organization make in your clients’ lives?
  6. Do your prospective donors immediately understand what problems you solve?
  7. Is it easy to understand what bad things can happen without their support?
  8. Do your payment options make it easy for people to start donating?
  9. Have you given them a plan of action in three easy steps? 

If you can say, “yes!” to those questions about your website, then your revenues are headed in the right direction: UP!

But if you’re not sure your website is working hard enough for you, it’s time to make a few changes. Use this checklist to offer specific feedback to your webmaster.

A few simple tweaks to your website can make a big difference in achieving your fundraising goals. 

Get Help Improving Your Nonprofit Messaging

To learn more about Elaine’s consulting business Sparx360, visit

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